This photo won’t tell you everything about my Mum.
It doesn’t speak of the harshness of her early life,
how hard she worked, her temper or her broken heart.
It doesn’t let you know about her many friends,
her dancing feet, and how she knew the words
her dancing feet, and how she knew the words
to so many songs.
How she made all my clothes when I was young
(especially a ballet tutu and a Japanese dress
I loved to bits)
and knitted special clothes for premature babies at the hospital.
How she baked hundreds of mince pies every year
for all the family,
or of her green fingers that could make anything grow.
No, it just lets you know of her indomitable spirit,
Her wonderful laugh and sense of humour,
And the fact that not even a Tower of London Beefeater
Could keep a straight face when she was around.
c LM Collis 27 Feb 2019