Friday, 29 March 2019

Drunk on wine and old rock videos

Yesterday’s gift foretold disaster
A plant spruced up before the closedown 
Instead of a work-based second laptop
To ease my aching back from carrying one. 

And then in sudden, catastophising breakdown
Convinced myself that Brian was going to die
A road death on the trip to Tesco for my lunch
Held on just enough to stop myself
From running after him,
But was then in pieces till he was home safe again,
Knowing I couldn’t, really couldn’t cope
If I were to lose him too.

Redundancy fears faded to trivia
He came back with an Italo-français pun,
Valpolicella ripasso as a reward for his ironing
And we got drunk on wine and old rock videos

c LMCollis 29 March 2019