Sunday, 19 December 2010

the temptation of writing

Brian said tonight
that I could just
become a writer

only now does
it seem a
real temptation

sure, he then said
I could write my name
twice monthly for the dole

but the idea of it
seems headier than
even travelling

scary in its loss
of pecuniary
safety net

but such a luxury
to do unfettered

to write, to read
from the daily grind

can't ask him now
at 1am, but was
he serious?

LMC 19-dec-10


This redundancy assessment
is so much bile
it seems unseemly
for them to take such
pleasure in it

Reading it
corrodes the spirit
Glad I've finally
plucked up the courage
to make my measured appeal

As Brian says
I'm better off away
from such vituperative
what does it do to them?

And the irony is,
as I see at 1am,
that none of this
was necessary,
could have been avoided

a calm, skills-based assessment
would not have warranted
any appeal to clear my name,
had they but known enough
about their staff, their skills

LMC 18-Dec-10