Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Hong Kong Coat

I take my work apart
never was it cloth of gold
but a useful working coat
sewn to stand the buffeting
of a season's work.
They don't want that, they say,
the thread to hold it together
is just too costly
the cloth too robust for their taste
stitch us something that
gives the appearance, just,
of covering at a distance
if they don't look too hard

LMC 27 APR 2010

Friday, 23 April 2010


Pendant un moment bref
Son sourire, sa vivacité m’accueillait
Dans son cercle d’amis
On riait comme des fous ensembles
Cet aprèm magique
Et plus que ça, l’ambiance totale
Qu’elle créait dans son hôtel
Faisait bien parti de la magique
Des cures d’Allevard
Je ne t’oublierai jamais, Isa

LMC April 2010

Thursday, 15 April 2010

Office Blues

leaf green fools my eyes
outside trees shimmer and breathe
not paper colour

LMC April 2010